Improve vocabulary | Learning wordsLearning of vocabulary of different languages in a test formatChoose the language you want to learn, add translations and and study themthere are three word-lists in the app: - "On study" - the words that you can start a test with are located here. As soon as you answer a certain word 10 times correctly in tests, youll be able to move it to the "studied" list. - "Studied" - words that youve learned in tests are located here. If you edit the word, it automatically moves to the "on study" list. - "Pending" - words that are waiting to be learnt are located here, you can move them to the "Currently on study" list(if there are less than 20 words). 3 kinds of testing are available: - "Test" - all words from the "on study" list are added here, answer a certain word ten times correctly to move it to the "Learned" list. - "Practice" - words from both "on study" and "Learned" lists are added here, you can try this test to refresh your memory and revise already learned words. If you answer an already learned word incorrectly, it moves to the "on study" list. If you answer a word from "on study" list incorrectly, its correct answers counter turns to zero. - "Repetition" - this kind of test is offered you once a day, 20 random words from the "studied" list are taken here in a random order, and if you answer a certain word incorrectly, it will be moved to the "on study" list (the maximum is 30 words).